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LCARS Time App TIME LCARS Time Go To App Store


The Time app has a Digital Clock, an Alarm Clock, Stopwatch and Countdown Timer. It displays the current time and date using futuristic graphics in one of 27 color themes, in Full-Screen Mode or Titlebarless Windowed Mode.

Looking at the screenshots below, you can see that the most recent 7 Stopwatch elapsed time intervals are displayed at the bottom right of the window, along with a bar graph showing the relative percentages of each in relation to the longest time interval. The longest time readout is also highlighted in the current Stopwatch color.

Live Long and Prosper. \\//



  • 27 Color Themes
  • 15 Alarm Sound FX
  • Clock
  • Date (Day Name, Weekday, Month, Year)
  • 12 Hour or 24 Hour Time
  • The Seconds Readout can be toggled On/Off
  • Mute Sound FX
  • Brightness Dimmer (5 Levels)
  • Alarm Clock
  • Stopwatch
  • Countdown Timer with Alarm
  • System Version Readout
  • Full-Screen Mode
  • Titlebarless Windowed Mode
  • Millennium St*rDate

Quick Start Guide

LCARS Time Panel

Column Buttons - Upper Section

Click the THEME button to go to the next theme. Click the button to its right to go to the previous theme.

Use the MODE button to toggle between Full-Screen Mode and Windowed Mode.

The SD100000 button toggles between a millennium version of TNG stardates and more human readable stardates.

The 12/24 HOUR button toggles between standard and military time.

Use the BRIGHTESS button to dim or lighten the window. Dimming the the window at night is really useful.

Column Buttons - Lower Section

The ENGAGE ALARM button toggles the Alarm Clock On/Off. It can also be used to turn the alarm alert off after it fires. The Alarm Status Readout will reflect the current state using ENGAGED, OFF, or SNOOZING.

The ENGAGE TIMER button toggles the Countdown Timer On/Off. It can also be used to turn the timer alert off after it fires. The Timer Status Readout will reflect the current state using ENGAGED, OFF, or SNOOZING.


Alarms and Timers

Alarm and Timer Controls

In the screenshot up above, of the bottom-right of the panel, are the controls for setting the Time for the alarm clock, the amount of time for the countdown timer and the sound FX that will be used when they are fired.

Setting Sound FX

The two mint green SOUND buttons audition the currently selected sound FX. They do NOT control the volume of the sound. The dark green UP button selects the next sound. The dark green DOWN button selects the previous sound. When clicking either button, the new sound plays. The number of the currently selected sound is shown between the UP and DOWN buttons.

Setting the Alarm Clock

The purple UP and DOWN buttons on the left side of the panel allow you to set the absolute time when the Alarm Clock will fire. (Hours:Minutes) If you keep the mouse pressed down when clicking, they will continuously update automatically. They will also rollover to the start/end when you go past the max/min, respectively. The Alarm Clock firing time is currently set up to always use 24-Hour time.

Setting the Countdown Timer

The purple UP and DOWN buttons on the right side of the panel allow you to set the amount of time that needs to elapse before the Countdown Timer will fire. (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) If you keep the mouse pressed down when clicking, they will continuously update automatically. They will also rollover to the start/end when you go past the max/min, respectively.


For the Alarm Clock ONLY, you can change the firing time even if the Alarm Clock is already engaged, and it will automatically update. For the Countdown Timer, you must turn it OFF before changing the values.


LCARS Time Panel

Disengaging the Alarm Clock

When the Alarm Clock fires, you will see the alert view with the DISMISS and SNOOZE buttons, in the screenshot up above. To dismiss the alert (turn it off) and close the view you can click either the DISMISS button or the ENGAGE ALARM button. If you press the SNOOZE button, the alert will wait ten minutes and then fire again. You can snooze the alert indefinitely. If you press the SNOOZE button, the Alarm Status Readout will change to SNOOZING.

Dismissing the alert, even by pressing the ENGAGE ALARM button, does NOT disengage the Alarm Clock. In other words, when you dismiss the alert, the Alarm Clock will fire again automatically, 24 hours later the next day. Of course, if you press the ENGAGE ALARM button a second time, e.g. after dismissing the alert, then the Alarm Clock will be OFF.

LCARS Time Panel

Disengaging the Countdown Timer

'Disengaging the Countdown Timer' works exactly the same way as 'Disengaging the Alarm Clock' except that you use the ENGAGE TIMER button instead of the ENGAGE ALARM button to optionally dismiss the alert view that is next to the Countdown Timer controls. Well obviously, the Countdown Timer won't fire again tomorrow because the remaining time is zero.



The STOPWATCH button toggles the stopwatch count-up timer ON/OFF. Use the CLEAR button to delete all currently recorded stopwatch times from the bar graph readout.

The Stopwatch bar graph is only visible when in Full-Screen Mode.

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